United Heroes

Boost'N Go


A positive and dynamic employee experience to boost business

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A French reference in the world of DIY, Castorama has 12,000 employees, a head office in Lille and around 100 stores throughout France. 

In the store, salespeople, cashiers, and logisticians work side by side, as well as support staff (security managers, human resources, management controllers, etc.).

In 2018, in a delicate economic context, the company is looking to give a new impetus to its business around four axes: cohesion, employer brand, QWL and CSR. It called on Sport Heroes to reinvent itself and engage its teams around a positive and unifying experience.


Castorama has partnered with United Heroes (through Sport Heroes) to develop the Boost'N Go program, a program that promotes sports and well-being and addresses 4 major issues: Cohesion + Employer Brand + QWL + CSR. 

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Strengthened bonds and colleagues getting to know each other through the team system and collective challenges.

Employer Brand
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Fun and engaging communication around sports and team challenges to boost the brand's image and attract and retain talent.

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Concrete actions to support employees in a preventive manner, helping them to take care of themselves on a daily basis.

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Sporting, collective and solidarity challenges to mobilize employees and pass on the company's commitments, such as the fight against poor housing. Each step, each kilometer run, swum, pedaled is an extra point in the United Heroes application. Points that contribute to the collective challenge counter! 

"The concept is innovative, cool and well built. The app is a good boost and engagement tool. Kudos to you."
"Boost'N Go is like a game with co-workers to see who does better than the other and outdo each other every day."

By the numbers:
"A sense of belonging can be tricky to create when you have a hundred stores spread across the country. We had to reinvent ourselves, find new ways to engage employees and make sure they continue to be proud to work for the company. And that's what we managed to do thanks to United Heroes. In particular, thanks to the team system, to the collective challenges launched throughout the year. there is a very high level of enthusiasm on the part of employees."

Céline Bouzanne des Mazery
Head of the Legal, Employment and Working Conditions Area


get more physical activity with Boost'N Go


of employees enrolled in the program


of donations released by employees and given to the Fondation Abbé Pierre

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